For a very brief overview of the X-Structure: X-Structure Abstract
The Ontology of The Cosmic Worldview
The X-Structure;
The Basic Nature of Life and Existence
-- Ontology of Consciousness and Reality --
A Brief Overview
"A human being is part of a whole called by us the Universe."
Albert Einstein
"You are not IN the Universe, you ARE the Universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the Universe is becoming conscious of itself."
Eckhart Tolle
"The X-Structure constitutes the basic nature of Life and Reality - activating and transforming the emptiness and stillness into energy, force, movement, matter and
Per Bruus-Jensen
"Death is Life´s greatest surprise ..."
The X-Structure is based on the intuitive knowledge illustrating The Cosmic Worldview/Martinus Cosmology conveyed by the Danish intuitive philosopher and mystic Martinus Thomsen (1890-1981) - especially presented by his collaborator Per Bruus-Jensen (1932 -) and "The X-Project" by NCP X-AIONS, New Cosmic Paradigm with Advanced Institute of Ontological Principles and New Science, researching the Ontology of the Cosmic Worldview and presenting New Science. Per Bruus-Jensen has devoted his life to systematizing and connecting Martinus' intuitive knowledge to modern science, in a so called "top-down model".
NCP X-AIONS is representing the Cosmic Worldview and the branch of Martinus Cosmology that is building bridges to Science. The background to and aim of NCP X-AIONS is to continue implementing Per Bruus-Jensen's work, systematizing and presenting the Ontology of The Cosmic Worldview. A work and project in close cooperation with PBJ, made possible by his extensive teaching that, for many years, he imparted to the founders of NCP X-AIONS.
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Martinus 1934 | | Per Bruus-Jensen 1972 |
Text: Per Bruus-Jensen (The Ontology of The Cosmic Worldview, 2013) and NCP X-AIONS
(This subject is complex and abstract; therefore, in order to shed light on it from different angles, there are some repetitions in the text.)
The Living Cosmos
According to the X-Structure presented in the Ontology of the Cosmic Worldview, the Multiverse/Cosmos is not simply an inert and random collection of energy and matter but, on the contrary, is a living, multidimensional, infinite and all-embracing entity; an immaterial "Something" with the will and ability to experience - which through this experience attains disposal over so-called consciousness. (Consciousness, in this context, should be understood as knowledge of Something's being - including its own.)
The X-Structure - the Basic Nature of Life and Reality
Reality - both objective and subjective - is fundamentally a question of immaterial emptiness and absolute stillness. We express this initial form by the letter "X" symbolizing the structure and very basic nature of Reality, Life, Consciousness and Everything that exists. This fundamental X-structure is in principle the same for all living things at all levels; for you and me, for every cell in your body - Yes, for everything including the infinite Cosmos. The X-structure is activating and transforming the emptiness and stillness into energy, force, movement, matter and the subjective side of it all, namely; experience/consciousness.
Let´s take a closer look at the X-Structure - just a brief overview.
"X0" - The Primordial Domain of Existence - Initial Reality
The primordial domain of existence X0 is an all-embracing, unmanifested, virtual world of emptiness and absolute stillness; a world which, in virtual form, contains an infinite potential of creative possibilities, thereby constituting the initial reality, the absolute and comprehensive foundation for everything else (virtual in this context: something which exists without making itself known, something potential and non-manifest). Here prevails the condition of wholeness and infinity; a state of total nonduality and nonlocality.
A short description of X0: "Something that is", "the unmanifested", primordial domain of existence, emptiness, stillness, nonduality, wholeness, nonlocality, infinity, eternity, virtual initial reality, infinite potential of creative possibilities.
In a self-referential manner (i.e. with itself as the only prerequisite) X0 is permeated by a spontaneous and continuous need for self-knowledge, (i.e. the ability to perceive and experience itself) termed "the Central Need", and as a consequence of this, a motivating and determining will is generated called "the Primordial Urge" taking advantage of the virtual creative possibilities in order to create a real and concrete alternative (a contrast) to the X0-nature of emptiness and stillness.
The direct and continuous confirmation of this is the permanent activation of an indivisible, integrated Triune Operating Principle "X" (activated precisely by the primordial urge).
The Triune Operating Principle "X" and its Three Functional Aspects
X1 The Creator and Experiencer: the subject/the I, emptiness, stillness.
X2 The Creative and Experiential Ability: energy (qualitative cosmic basic energies) and form-creating principles (morphogenetic effect constants), which sustain and organize life and reality.
X3 The Created and Experienced: energy conversion, objectively represented by movement, the material illusion and subjectively represented by life-experience/consciousness.
The result of the interaction between the Subject (X1) and its Creative/Experiential Ability (X2) is represented by the Created (X3); The material illusion as Objective Reality (X3 obj.) on one side
- and - the experience of it as Subjective Reality, "Qualia" (X3 subj.) on the other.
Summarily: The Triune Operating Principle is activating and transforming the emptiness and stillness into energy, force, movement, matter and the subjective side of it all, namely; experience/consciousness.
Brief background to "X" and "X0" in the role of a Triune Operating Principle
Martinus describes in his sketchbook from 1924 (containing the first drafts which would come to be the basis for his final symbols), the infinite Cosmos/Multiverse as an all-embracing, immaterial and causeless Something - "X", the source and foundation of all that exists. As this primordial form is unknown by man, Martinus has chosen to express it and the nature and structure of life and reality by the letter "X", as in mathematics this is the symbol of the first unknown in an equation. He explains in this context also for X as a Triune Operating Principle, represented by the three functional aspects X1, X2, X3. The primordial domain of existence - the initial reality, (the virtual, initial world of emptiness and stillness) in which the triune operating principle is ingrained and on which it is based, is in this relation, logically given the name X0.
The Cosmic Transformation Process - The Triune Operating Principle
A clarifying addition before we go further into the three functional aspects X1, X2 and X3.
Overall, it can be said that the inherent central need in X0 and the primordial urge stimulate the Triune Operating Principle (X1, X2, X3) as a whole to be active, constantly manifesting its three aspects: X1 super indirectly; X2 indirectly; X3 directly.
The following should be seen as a pedagogical attempt to create a theoretical "flow chart" to briefly illustrate the X-structure, and the Cosmic Transformation Process "from X0 to X3" - i.e. from emptiness and stillness to movement, matter and life-experience:
1. X0 ("the Unmanifested", immaterial, emptiness, stillness, infinite creative possibilities) is permeated and
influenced by the Central Need
2. The Central Need generates the Primordial Urge
3. The Primordial Urge motivates and activates the Triune Operating Principle as a whole -
i.e. all three aspects are simultaneously active
4. X1 (the Creator and Experiencer, the I) permanently uses its Creative and Experiential Ability X2
(energy and morphogenetic effect constants) to transform the X0-nature (immaterial, emptiness,
stillness) into X3 ("the Manifested" the Created and the Experienced) represented by:
Movement, the Material Illusion - i.e. Objective Reality and experience of it as Subjective
Reality; the Manifested Cosmos (obj.), and Life-Experience/Consciousness (subj.)
The Cosmic Transformation Process "from X0 to X3";
- the X-Structure and its Activation and Transformation of Emptiness and Stillness
into Energy, Force, Movement, Matter and Consciousness - i.e. the creation of
Life-Experience/Consciousness, is the superior task of
the Triune Operating Principle and thereby of Life itself.
The Three Functional Aspects X1, X2, X3 - a brief description
"X1" - the creating and experiencing Something, "the Creator and Experiencer",
the subject/I, (emptiness, stillness)
X1 is a consequence of the X0-nature in combination with the central need and the primordial urge, expressing the activation of one of the virtual creative possibilities in X0, namely, the function "creator/experiencer". The presence of the X0-nature in the X1-function is described in symbolic form by X1 being illustrated by a white area without details.
In other words: The "substance-related" identity relationship between X0 and X1 (emptiness, stillness) is symbolically expressed by an empty white circular area illustrating X1. Hereby also confirming the ancient Sanskrit concept "Sunya", which precisely means "an empty Something" and that in our number system occurs as the number 0 - Zero, the source and starting point for all positive and negative numbers ... Zero represents emptiness, void, blank and impracticality, but at the same time, represents the possibility of producing all things. (Emptiness is the Source of Everything.")
Primarily, the primordial urge ensures, through its implicitly subjective nature, that the immaterial Something naturally steps into character as owner of the primordial urge. It makes itself applicable as subject with competence to play the part, not only as the principle experiencer (of, amongst other things, the primordial urge), but also as the principle creator, as experience requires something to experience, and thus the provision of an alternative to the non-detectable immaterial reality as such, i.e. the material illusion. The role of principle creator/experiencer (subject) thus serves as the first aspect of the triune operating principle.
In order to operate as a creator/experiencer (X1), it is, of course, necessary that the subject possesses a relevant, creative ability. On one hand, the ability to practically produce the material illusion as such; and on the other hand, the ability to register the same illusion as so-called experience. The subject principle must, in other words, be able to muster a combined ability to create and experience, which represents the second aspect of the triune operating principle:
"X2" - "the Creative and Experiential Ability" (basic energy and morphogenetic effect constants/cosmic creative principles)
The activation of X2 is an expression of another of the virtual creative possibilities in X0, namely, the Creative and Experiential Ability in general. In practice, this ability is expressed by what we call "energy" (Greek: the ability to act/operate). Everything that is created is built up by seven so-called Basic energies/ Fundamental energies, one of which, the Mother energy, is the source of the six others. These seven energies are qualitative and each one holds specific properties. (All the seven basic energies are subjectively registered (X3) by X1 as creative abilities, each with its own specific performance profile.) As mentioned these basic energies build up everything in life and existence - from the most subtle, e.g. our own consciousness, thoughts, feelings, memories etc. to the very densest e.g. physical matter, black holes etc.
The primary fundamental energy, the mother energy, holds and operates via a number of so-called Cosmic Creative Principles, also termed Morphogenetic Effect Constants; form-creating and structuring forces which sustain and organize life and reality. We can empirically observe the effects of the mother energy´s morphogenetic effect constants for instance in what we term constants and laws of nature with their extremely delicate precision etc.
The X2-function and its effect constants "divide" the all-embracing totality (X0) and create a contrast to its status of nonduality and nonlocality. The nature of infinity and eternity is split up and separated into life-units, individuals, as well as states and distances, comprising space and time, etc. The complementarity of wholeness/oneness and duality/separation, and also "the Structure of Entanglement" are formed and expressed through the morphogenetic effect constants (X2).
An overview of the seven basic energies and the morphogenetic effect constants are presented later in the text.
"X3" - the Created and Experienced/life-experience (movement, the material illusion, the manifested Cosmos, life-experience/consciousness)
X3 is represented by the result of the interaction between the subject (X1) and its creative/experiential ability (X2), i.e. the created represented by the material illusion as objective reality on one side, and the experience of it as subjective reality on the other. Or expressed as follows; the objective side of the created to which the entire spectrum of motions, matter, particles, organisms, planets, solar systems and galaxies, etc. belong and also the subjective side of all these, which we call life-experience and consciousness - the total Subjective Reality Complex.
Everything created (X3) emerges as an expression of life/movements and thus constitutes a contrast to the X0-nature of emptiness and stillness, (without contrast no experience). Creation involves conversion of energy and manifests itself as movement, namely the five universal classes of motion:
1. The Primordial motion and the four so-called "derived motions" that we as humans know as: 2. Space, 3. Time, 4. Transformation/change, 5. Matter. The primordial motion has both objective and subjective status and implies a positional motion "from A to B", whereas the four derived motions are subjective versions (X3 subj.) and thus alternative representations of the objective primordial motion (X3 obj.), transformed by X1 in interaction with X2.
Motion is the most distinctive feature of life - movement is life in demonstration. Note that all the motions of the Multiverse neutralize each other, confirming the all-embracing X0-nature of emptiness and stillness.
The X3-function includes, as mentioned, the experience of expressions of life (movements) and thus the generation of consciousness, i.e. knowledge of something's being, including its own. The phenomenon of consciousness/life-experience concerns the way in which X2/energy and its objective functions (= energy conversion X3/objectively), exist for the Subject X1 (= life-experience X3/subjectively).
"Motion is the most distinctive feature of Life - Movement is Life in demonstration."
"The phenomenon of Consciousness/Life-Experience concerns the way in which
X2/energy and its objective functions (= energy conversion X3/objectively),
exist for the Subject X1 (= life-experience X3/subjectively)."
Per Bruus-Jensen
THE X-STRUCTURE - X0 and its Triune Operating Principle
Additional retrospective on
the Central Need, the Primordial Urge and the X-Structure
X0 is permanently permeated and influenced by a constant central need, i.e. a continuous need to perceive and experience itself. This is due to the fact that X0 in virtual form holds an infinite potential of creative possibilities which, transformed into manifested form results in a "Something" with the will and ability to experience itself. The result is an eternal and all-embracing mega-being that is aware of its own existence.
Note that the virtual creative possibilities constantly, autonomously and spontaneously promote their own conversion into manifest form, which thereby simultaneously points to the existence of the so-called central need.
The direct result of this conversion process is the Triune Operating Principle, - motivated and "driven" by the central need and the so-called primordial urge - which has as its main mission to effectively utilize the infinite creative possibilities available in the X0-sphere in virtual form. In other words, the main task of the triune operating principle is to complete this Cosmic Transformation Process eternally and permanently - motivated and "driven" by the primordial urge, which is to be considered as the extended arm of the central need thus having its origin in X0; but in practice it is registered by X1 in its function/role as the principle Experiencer, thus constituting the driving force behind X1 in its function/role as the principle Creator. The primordial urge is thus associated with X1 and is a consequence of the central need, motivating and activating the triune operating principle as a whole. In summary:
The Central Need generates the Primordial Urge that motivates X1 (creator/experiencer)
to be active and to use X2 (creative ability, energy) for the transformation of X0 (emptiness, stillness) into X3 (movement, matter, life-experience etc.)
The logical consequence of all the aforementioned cosmic setup, is that the principle X1 (creator/experiencer), is the aspect of the triune operation principle that, in terms of "substance", is closest to the X0-reailty. In fact, it is identical with it, but with one important addition: The primary task of the X1-principle is to add to the X0-reality a way to work: namely as the cause of the phenomenon of creation on one hand, and as the ultimate witness/experiencer of that creation and all its results on the other - i.e. precisely as the functional principle X1 (creator/experiencer).
The "Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process" - X-RCT Process
The X-structure operates via the "Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process" - X-RCT Process: A Bidirectional Manifestation-Perception Process from Unmanifested Initial Reality into Manifested Objective Reality (manifestation) and the experience of it as Subjective Reality - Life-Experience/Consciousness (perception).
The understanding of this fundamental Structure of Life and the Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process, gives an insight into reality as it is (the nature of objective reality) and, not least, the experience of it as qualia (the perception process and the subjective reality/consciousness). More about the X-RCT Process will be presented later on.
X3 is a "disguised" and converted, and thus an illusionistic version of X0, engendered by X1 assisted by X2 (the interaction between X1 and X2). And it is due to this "disguise" process/transformation that the Cosmos has the status of a living mega-being: a Something with the will and ability to experience ... This mega-being is often referred to as God, the Universe, the Cosmos, the All, the Infinite, the Divine, Allah etc., the Wholeness - that we all are parts of ... and we all have the same X-structure and the same desire for life-experience ...
Finally, it should be emphasized that the X-structure, the triune operating complex according to Martinus constitutes the absolute and ultimate solution to the Mystery of Life. In relation to this, the research within physics and biology has so far "only" been engaged in the more elementary sides of the phenomenon of life.
To facilitate understanding of the above, we will now look more closely at the X2-function.
A more in-depth explanation of the Functional Aspect X2;
Energy and Morphogenetic Effect Constants/Cosmic Creative Principles
The Basic/Fundamental Energies
As already mentioned the subtle, qualitative basic or fundamental energies build up everything in life and existence. In order to illustrate the specific qualities, impacts and strengths of the energies, Martinus gave them different signature colors and numbers that he consistently used in his symbols. (Martinus created a special symbol-book The Eternal World Picture in 6 volumes to illustrate the Cosmic Worldview.) It should be emphasized that the fundamental/basic energies always operate together in different combinations (Martinus terms this topic Cosmic Chemistry).
Below follows a short presentation of the seven basic energies: name of energy - signature color and number illustrating relative strength of impact - very brief description summarizing the characteristics of the energy along with some of the instances in which the described energy dominates.
Mother energy (violet, 420) - the primary and supreme energy: In practice, it serves as the quintessence of the subject's (X1's) ability to create/experience (X2). The mother energy plays the role of an overall basic energy in the sense that it simultaneously generates, controls and co-ordinates the six other basic energies - the so-called "working energies". Viewed in that light, the mother energy, purely operationally should be viewed as the first basic energy - the source of the six others that potentially exist as predispositions within the mother energy. More detailed information will follow later, describing this first main function of the mother energy; how, in a very controlled "cosmo-chemical" manner and law-governed structure, it operates the six other basic energies in appropriate combinations, or mixing ratio, and consequently enables creation to be infinitely varied.
Before exploring the second main function of the mother energy - the Cosmic Creative Principles or the Morphogenetic Effect Constants, it is important to take a look at the six working energies and their characteristics, as in practice, it is these energies (X2) which generate the material illusion and therefore primarily represent it in its capacity as "the created" (X3).
In this connection it is worth mentioning that Martinus has named these energies with reference to the way that we, as humans, register them in our conscious life as a direct result of the presence of the working energies and their activity in our physical organism, i.e. as individual creative abilities.
The Six "Working Energies"
Instinct energy (red, 20): Automation, autonomy, automatic functions, tropisms, habitual patterns, routines, virtuosity, traditionalism, rituals, ability to believe and even fanaticism, dogmatism.
Expansion/Action energy (orange, 40) - in some English translations also known as "Gravity energy", which is an earlier and unfortunately misleading term: Expansion, action, dynamism, manifestation, acting outwards, explosion, acceleration, heat, the main component of physical matter, "mass-function"*; responsible for what we term mass and the Higgs field. In consciousness this energy is emotionally expressed as aggressiveness, ruthlessness, egoism - destructive and even homicidal and killing activities.
The opposite qualities of the Expansion/Action energy are found in:
Contraction/Perception energy (yellow, 60) - also known as "Feeling energy": Contraction, perception, registering, reception, regulation of dynamics, acting inwards, receiving activities, implosion, retardation, coldness, condensing effect, "gravity-function"*. In consciousness this energy is emotionally expressed as sensitivity, empathy, altruism, life-giving and loving activities.
*Additional information about the Expansion/Action energy "EAE" and the Contraction/Perception energy "CPE": The interaction and tension between these two antagonistic energies constitute the very basis of what physicists term force, particles and matter. In brief: The dynamic EAE (under the influence of CPE) is the main component of physical matter and thus responsible for what we call mass and the Higgs field. Physical matter is generated as a result of the tension between EAE and CPE. Physical matter consists of EAE ("mass-function") condensed by CPE ("gravity-function"). In this context we refer to Physics, Martinus Cosmology and The Theory of Everything - The Fundamental Energy - FET, by Leif Pettersson (NCP - New Cosmic Paradigm, 2012, ISBN: 978-1-45254-820-3).
Intelligence energy (green, 80): Analysis, logic, rationality, expediency, efficiency, recognition/identification, reflection, calculation, foresight, imagination.
Intuition energy (blue, 120): Synthesis, quintessence, instant understanding and knowing, penetrating, immediate insight, design and generation of ingenious ideas and perfected constructive creativity.
Memory energy (light indigo, 100) - also termed "Memory- and Bliss energy": Accumulation, preservation, archiving, retrospection, remembrance. This energy is dominating in experiences of bliss, intense pleasure based on what Martinus terms "gold-copies"; cosmic chemically processed and refined sections of accumulated experiences/memories.
The Cosmic Creative Principles/the Morphogenetic Effect Constants
As mentioned earlier the mother energy holds and operates via a number of so-called creative principles, also termed morphogenetic effect constants; formative and structuring forces that sustain and organize life and reality. (On behalf of the mother energy the sum of the cosmic creative principles in practice functions as a series of morphogenetic and thus formative effect constants.) In other words, the appropriate functioning of the Multiverse is a result of these morphogenetic effect constants. We can empirically observe the effects of these effect constants, for instance, in the laws and constants of nature with their extremely delicate precision.
The X2-function and its morphogenetic effect constants "divide" the all-embracing totality (X0) and create a contrast to its status of nonduality and nonlocality. The nature of infinity and eternity is split up and separated into life-units, individuals, as well as states and distances, comprising space and time, etc. The complementarity of wholeness/oneness and duality/separation, and also "the Structure of Entanglement" are formed and expressed through the morphogenetic effect constants (X2).
The fact that the mother energy actually holds this extensive and profound influence is due to the creative ability (X2) that is both holistic and fully automatic and operates in accordance with a particular "program". This is a special effect-program. It is to be noted that it is not random but very precise and as the only option allows the transformation of immaterial reality (X0) into an illusionistic material reality (X3) where the cosmic creative principles (X2) play the roles of specific morphogenetic effect constants, each providing a distinctive contribution to the way the Cosmos is functioning and therefore, in its own way, leaving its marks on the manifested Multiverse. These marks also state the reason for the names Martinus attached to them - he termed the individual creative principles after the special effects they produce. It should be added that Life and Reality ("the Cosmic World Order") rest on the activity of more numerous creative principles than expressed here. Below follows a few, for us as humans in our planetary system, of the most important creative principles.
The Cosmic Creative Principles
Pole principle (The principle for the formation of poles) - effect: all "polar" or dual conditions, such as plus/minus, North/South, he/she, sending/receiving of energy etc.
Contrast principle (The principle for the formation of contrast) - effect: all contrasts and antagonisms, such as day/night, light/dark, black/white, sour/sweet, good/evil, joy/sorrow etc., (without contrast no experience).
Perspective principle (The principle for the formation of perspective) - effect: all perspectival effects including dimensions, proportions, relationships in size, grading, distinctions in importance, hierarchical systems etc.
Motion principle (The principle for the formation of motion) - effect: all forms of movement - the Five Universal Classes of Motion: 1. the Primordial Motion (implies a positional motion "from A to B") and the four so-called "derived motions" that we as humans know as: 2. space, 3. time, 4. transformation/change, 5. matter.
Cycle principle (The principle for the formation of cycles) - effect: all kinds of cycles. All movement occurs in cycles, every kind of movement in the entire Cosmos forms a circular path, (supplement below).
- Reincarnation principle (The principle for the formation of reincarnation) is a principle closely associated to the Cycle principle, functioning, amongst other things, as a "life renewer" (exchange and renewal of physical bodies) in the physical world and is important to us in our evolutionary development towards higher life forms. Also, the reincarnation principle takes the sting out "death" ...
- "The Law of Movement" - all movement occurs in cycles. In the absolute sense the straight line does not exist, since it is always a part of a cycle. Every kind of movement in the entire Cosmos forms a circular path. If the energies were not bound in cycles, there would be no experience of life, no fate, no consciousness and no organisms. (Martinus' Symbol no 15)
- "The Law of Karma" everything (both positive and negative) that we "send out" returns to us; the energies always return to their source in one form or another.
The Law of Movement, Martinus´ symbol no 15 (The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1), summary explanation: Every kind of movement in the entire Cosmos forms a circular path. The uppermost white line shows the so-called "straight line". But from a cosmic point of view it does not exist, since this line constitutes a part of a circle that is 40 meters in diameter ... © Copyright Martinus Institute | |
Matter- and Life-Unit principle (The principle for the formation of life-units) - effect: the split/division of matter/energy into units/quanta, such as elementary particles, cells, organs, organisms, planets, suns, galaxies etc. This principle is responsible for the manifested reality's fractalized and quantized nature and impact, i.e. its division into units of any form, including organisms for living beings. This fractal impact is actually an expression of the fact that the living Cosmos, on the manifested level, has divided itself into living units - Triune Life-Units or "living beings". The complementarity of wholeness/oneness and duality/separation, and also "the Structure of Entanglement" are formed and explained mainly by this effect constant.
The Life-Unit principle - Martinus´ symbol no 7 (The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1), summary explanation: The Cosmos is an infinite unit, an all-embracing being and consists of all existing living beings. These are organized as Life within Life. This means that every being is both: 1. a macro-being, which provides living space for micro-beings - and also 2. a micro-being, which gets its living space from a larger macro-being. In this way all living beings are vital to one another. The triangle and the white section in the middle and the area around it symbolize a Living Being/Life-Unit (X1, X2, X3). The repetition of smaller and smaller versions of the symbol shows that the living beings organisms are situated within living beings organisms. © Copyright Martinus Institute. | |
Ablity-Nuc principle/Talent Core principle (The principle for the formation of ability-nucs/talent cores) - effect: all accumulation of experiences into stable storage units "ability-nucs" - which enable and enhance the reuse of the above mentioned experiences, these are important for learning, development, evolution etc. The ability-nucs/talent cores make it possible for us to take qualities, abilities and skills with us from life to life (which is a prerequisite for our development). The Ability-Nuc principle is also highly relevant within the area of epigenetics as it is via these generated ability-nucs that an influence is exerted on the genes of the DNA-spiral. Namely, in the "top-down" way in which the ability nucs/talent cores define and enforce the creation of new genes in the DNA-spiral, which in this context can be seen as a neutral "keyboard" that ability nucs can "play", thereby in an epigenetic way helping to determine the "music"; i.e. the actual evolution process. The ability-nuc principle may also help to explain the so-called evolutionary "leaps", represented by the quite sudden appearance of new species as well as regeneration of extinct species given the ability to evolve into new species through the use of the great and abundant accumulation of ability nucs/talent cores brought from their previous existence (this subject area is described by Per Bruus-Jensen in Project LIFE - The Cosmic Evolution).
"Parent principle" (The principle for the formation of protection and teaching) - effect: all forms of protection, teaching, learning, training, education, caring, guidance etc.
Short Summary
According to Martinus, all creation in the manifested Cosmos rests on the above mentioned six working (basic) energies. This means that the Multiverse simply is these six working (basic) energies - it consists of these. It should also be noted that the first three working energies are primarily matter-creative and thus primarily responsible for the appearance of the manifested Cosmos as an objective ocean of matter and movement, while the three other working energies primarily are conscious-creative and therefore primarily responsible for the subjective appearance of the same Cosmos, i.e. as life-experience and consciousness for the subject/X1.
However, as the six working energies all, in a controlled manner, arise out of the mother energy - and in reality are specific forms of this - the mother energy also impacts the manifested Multiverse. This happens through the aforementioned cosmic creative principles, as an exponent which completely autonomously ensures the presence of a cosmic world order in the manifest Cosmos - both on the objective and subjective level. A world order which specifically expresses the fulfilment of special fundamental conditions, being a prerequisite for the creation and existence of precisely the manifest alternative to the intangible primordial nature of emptiness and stillness (X0), i.e. the material Multiverse.
In other words; the mother energy (X2) constitutes, through the six working energies, "the substance/building material" for everything that exists, and its inherent creative principles/morphogenetic effect constants are the "tools" that structure and organize the "building material" into X3/the created, represented by the material illusion as objective reality on one side, and the experience of it as subjective reality on the other. Or expressed as follows: the objective side of the created to which the entire spectrum of movements, matter, particles, organisms, planets, solar systems and galaxies etc. belong and also the subjective side of all these, which we call life-experience and consciousness - the total subjective reality complex.
THE X-STRUCTURE - X0 and The Triune Operating Principle
Color explanation for the diagram above: X0 and X1 are illustrated by white areas without details; X2 (Mother energy and the Morphogenetic Effect Constants) by violet; X3 the six Basic/Working energies by their specific colors (instinct energy= red, expansion energy = orange, contraction/feeling energy = yellow, intelligence energy = green, intuition energy = blue, memory energy = light indigo).
The Triune Life-Unit - The Living Being
X1 The creator/experiencer, the subject/I (stillness and emptiness) (white). X2 The creative/experiential ability (energy): Here we find the mother energy (violet) and its generation of the six working energies (the six colored circles). In a very controlled "cosmo-chemical" manner and law-governed structure, the mother energy operates the six other basic energies in appropriate combinations, or mixing ratio, and consequently enables creation to be infinitely varied - "the law-governed split of the mother energy". X3 The created/experienced, (energy conversion, temporary objective and subjective effects) (the six colored area): Here we also find a pentagram illustrating the five universal classes of motion: 1. Primordial Motion ("from A to B"), 2. Space, 3.Time, 4.Transformation/ Transfiguration 5. Matter. | © Per Bruus-Jensen and NCP X-AIONS |
"Everything created (X3) emerges as Expressions of Life (movements) and thus constitutes a contrast to the X0-nature of stillness and emptiness. Creation involves Conversion of Energy and manifests itself as Movement."
Per Bruus-Jensen
"Motion is the most distinctive feature of Life - Movement is Life in demonstration".
The Triune Operating Principle including the Structure of Entanglement
--- Martinus´Symbols 8-11 (The Eternal World Picture, vol. 1), a very brief explanation below ---
The Cosmos; a Living Being, comprising Everything that Exists (symbol 8-11)
X1 Symbol 8: The white disc symbolizes the eternal "I" of the Cosmos - X1, and it is also the "I"/X1 in every living being.
X2 Symbol 9: The violet disc with the large "hole" in the center and the many small "holes" at the edge symbolizes X2 (the creative/experiential ability) and an expression of the Life-Unit principle that allows the all-embracing Something, X1, to appear as the "One" (the total and infinite) being, and at the same time as the "many" individual beings/life-units existing within the all-embracing being, whose experience is promoted by the individual beings/life-units.
Imagine that we place this violet disc (X2) over the white disc (X1/the I) and the same white (X1/the I) will appear through all the holes (see symbol 11) and here we find the complementarity of wholeness/oneness and duality/separation, and also "the Structure of Entanglement" formed and explained mainly by the effect of the Mother energy (X2) and its "Life-Unit principle" (one of the Cosmic Creative principles/Effect Constants).
(More and more people have experiences of Onenesse, wholeness - they so to say "see" through this structure and experience a greater reality.)
X3 Symbol 10: The colored areas are the result of the interaction between the subject/I (X1) and its creative/experiential ability (X2), represented by the material illusion as objective reality (X3 obj.) on one side, and the experience of it as subjective reality (X3 subj.) on the other. It is also an illustration of the Cosmos' six main fields of consciousness; the six different dimensions/planes of existence each dominated by one of the six basic energies.
X1, X2, X3 Symbol 11: "The Eternal World Picture, the Living Being" - The result of the three functional aspects X1, X2, X3; "the infinite, eternal and all-embracing Living Cosmos". The symbol is very extensive, we can for instance see the evolution of consciousness, the six main dimensions/planes of existence and the evolutionary position of Earth. We will for sure return to this symbol ...
The X-Structure - Overview
X0 = "the Unmanifested", the Primordial, Immaterial Domain of Existence, "X0-Virtual", Initial Reality; infinite potential of creative possibilities, status of wholeness, nonduality, nonlocality, emptiness, stillness, eternity, infinity - "Something that is".
X0 is permeated and influenced by the Central Need, which generates and permanently mobilizes the Primordial Urge* that motivates and activates the indivisible, integrated Triune Operating Principle with its three functional aspects: X1-X2-X3.
* The Primordial Urge is to be considered as the extended arm of the Central Need thus having its origin in X0; but in practice it is registered by X1 in its function/role as the principle Experiencer, thus constituting the driving force behind X1 in its function/role as the principle Creator.
X1 = "the Subject/I", "Creator and Experiencer", "Transformer";
emptiness, stillness.
X2 = "the Transformation Link", "Creative and Experiential Ability";
energy, transformation principles/cosmic creative principles or morphogenetic effect constants creating contrast to the X0-nature:
Wholeness - into Life-Units, Separation, Quantification
Emptiness - into Energy, Matter
Stillness - into Movement
Infinity - into Space
Eternity - into Time
X3 = "the Manifested", "the World of Forms", "the Created and Experienced";
energy conversion, temporary objective and subjective effects represented by movement, the material illusion as objective reality and the experience of it as subjective reality life-experience/consciousness.
The above is a theoretical distinction for clarification purposes but in fact it is all about an eternal "roleplaying"/an operation principle of integrated nature, which is not possible to split up. Due to the infinite and eternal nature of the X-structure, it is impossible to distinguish first from last (as in the classical philosophical causality dilemma: "what came first the chicken or the egg?"). The infinite and eternal nature, ("circularity") of the X-structure means that we should focus primarily on its internal logic and functions.
"The Cosmic Transformation Process "from X0 to X3", i.e. the creation of
Life-Experience/Consciousness, is the superior task of
the Triune Operating Principle and thereby of Life itself."
Per Bruus-Jensen
This presentation of the X-Structure will be followed at a later date by a description of among other things:
- The X-Structure - the basic Nature of Life and Reality, provides a profound Solution to "The Hard Problem of Consciousness" (the mystery of Perception) and to "The Hard Problem of Reality" (the nature of objective reality). "The Reality-Consciousness Transformation Process" - X-RCT Process.
- The Structure of Life and Immortality: the Immortal Paraphysical Body/structure - how this Paraphysical Body is constructed and how it operates - including how we survive
- The Law-Governed Structured Flow of the Basic Energies - "The Split of the Mother Energy" - Cosmic Chemistry (also including guidelines for daily life).
- The Multidimensional Multiverse, Evolution and Planes of Existence, the Eternal Evolutionary Process.
- The basic Nature of Energy, Matter including the structure of the Physical World (explaining dark energy, dark matter, gravity, Higgs field etc.).