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in Swedish and Danish:

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The Cosmic Worldview

– Reality  Consciousness  Evolution –

Existence  Life  Death  Energy  Matter  Nonlocality  Nonduality ...

"X" – The Structure of Life and Immortality – How we survive death …


The X-Project presents the X-Structure

The X-Structure in Martinus Cosmology represents the analysis of all Life

The X-Structure; the Basic Nature of Life and Existence

– Ontology of Consciousness and Reality –






On the Threshold to a Cosmic Paradigm
– Towards a Greater Reality –

What is it we actually do know?

We live in a time of recurring crises, when religion for ever more people has played out its role as an explanation of existence and as an answer to life's greatest questions. Yet we have to concede that the worldview which natural science presents is far from conclusive. For instance, it is unable to explain what consciousness is and to account for what may be called its close relative, life-experience. And within particle physics one stands before a barrier to further knowledge in the sense that the intrinsic nature of both matter and energy remain unknown. Similarly the riddle of gravitation still baffles, as does that of time – the passing of time, which we all measure, and which for a great part rules our lives.
When we delve into matter – 'down' into the microcosm, into the world of subatomic particles – we find that the so-called particles constitute a tiny and ever-vanishing, fugitive part of matter, and that an expanding 'void' seems to assume their space. This ubiquitous 'void' constitutes 99,9999% of everything, and exists everywhere; in fact, it suffuses all existence. Physicists refer to it as the 'zero point field' or the 'quantum vacuum field', and posit that it is not empty but, on the contrary, is the home to unimaginably subtle, yet intensely concentrated, energy – the so-called 'quantum vacuum energy'. Yet it essentially remains a conundrum to them; they simply do not know what it itself is. Nor its purpose.
By means of the enormous particle accelerator, LHC in CERN, one seeks to resolve how matter is pieced together, and hope thereby to come to understand how all existence is structured. One is on the hunt for solutions, and this is spurring the quest for a 'Theory of Everything' – in simplified terms, a theory which is both all-inclusive and all-explanatory of everything physical in the universe.

Irrespective of the depths to which we can plummet 'down' into the microcosm, or the heights to which we can soar 'up' into the macrocosm, we find that yet again there is something which, relatively viewed, is even more miniscule or even more gigantic than we hitherto have known. There seems to be no beginning and no end ...

Already at this stage we can reveal that the Cosmic Worldview has logical answers to, and explanations for, all the above questions and statements, and much more besides
– indeed, we promise that it is all both exciting and magnificent!

The meeting between Science and Spirituality

"The meeting between Science and Spirituality"

Natural science has given us a lot, but both it and its research facilities with their instruments no longer suffice. Many scientists speak today of 'the meeting between Science and Spirituality', (spirituality: expanding consciousness and intuitive knowledge), and do so with reference to the fact that it is the knowledge and wisdom of spirituality which one is approaching. Ever more scientific breakthroughs and findings about the nature of the world and consciousness display striking congruity with the realizations of many so-called mystics*. This is illustrated and exemplified in, for instance, the Danish book Mystik og Videnskab (2009) by Alex Riel, which provides an exceedingly multifaceted and comprehensive orientation on the topic.

The renowned Hungarian systems theorist, Ervin Laszlo, is similarly a true 'bridge builder' in this field, and particularly his view on the zero-point field, as well as his theory of a conscious universe; that our existence rests upon an underlying immaterial reality. Laszlo is not the only one, the scientists Menas Kafatos and Robert Nadeau (with several) also describes a conscious universe. And within astrophysics we have, for example, the new Endless Universe Theory (Steinhart & Turok, 2008), which unlike the classic Big Bang Theory does not see the Big Bang as the 'beginning of time', but as only one out of a multiplicity of similar occurrences, namely as a single detail in a boundless universe in space and time; i.e. there is no beginning and there is no end. The famous mathematician and physicist Roger Penrose has also presented a theory claiming that our universe is neither the first nor the last one, on the contrary, it is an infinite series of "Big-Bangs" where one universe is replaced by the next, Cycles of Time (Penrose 2010). And a conscious, eternal and infinite universe also constitute the principal element in that perennial wisdom which the intuitive luminaries and mystics have espoused through the ages.
It may undeniably be staggering to think that all 'things' – even also consciousness – are in their essence infinite and eternal. And all of this, together with much else, appeal to a totally new way of looking at existence; a new paradigm: A Cosmic Paradigm.
Here we refer to the site "Outlook" - Science of Consciousness & Reality." that also highlights briefly the annual international conference Towards a Science of Consciousness -TSC, which treats comprehensive issues about consciousness' the nature of consciousness, whether the universe is conscious and whether Science and Spirituality can be united, notions about 'the I' and our life experience and also the nature of energy and matter - and a lot more! In this connection we also recommend Consciousness Beyond Life by Pim van Lommel (2010).


*) Mystic: from the Greek 'mystés', i.e. someone who has recourse to knowledge from within, from his or her own innermost reaches, unaided by schooling, tuition and theory. Mystics have existed through the ages and in all cultures. They claim, among many other things, that the universe – indeed, the entire cosmos – is a living organism, and that life has a superior purpose.



Paradigm Shift

A true pioneer in this context is the Dane Martinus Thomsen, who with his exceptionally penetrating intuition as basis was able to set out an altogether new worldview, and one which additionally provides scintillatingly logical and cohesive answers to the perennial questions: Where do we come from? Why are we here? And where are we going? And what is actually the purpose of it all?
We live in a most exciting, but also stressful, time of crises, when many events emphatically show that our current grasp of reality should be replaced by more insightful understanding. The impending paradigm shift is both profound and all-inclusive and, as has formerly been evident in similar circumstances, a natural opposition is becoming apparent against the novelty of the as yet unknown, accompanied by an equally common fear of transformation with everything this inevitably must involve. Think of, for example, the earlier geocentric world-picture, when it was even punishable to maintain that the Earth was round, and when one in all seriousness dared not venture too far afield for fear of...'tumbling over the edge'. And, as a consequence of similarly based fears, it can at times seem simpler and safer to hold fast to convention.

Once we believed the Earth was flat.
Now we know it's round.
Today we believe in death and that life is finite,
but we will find that it's eternal and infinite …

Freely interpreted from van Gogh

We invite you to follow; stride across the threshold

We invite you to follow; stride across
the threshold to the new paradigm
and towards a greater reality …


An All-new
Understanding of Reality
– A Cosmic Paradigm Shift

A paradigm shift, away from a materialistic mechanistic worldview according to which chance and coincidence govern, towards an understanding of a reality according to which the universe is infinite and alive and where life is controlled and governed by an all-embracing universal consciusness in harmony with eternal creative principles and precise laws of nature that are associated with it. Cosmos is presented as a multidimensional, infinite and eternal continuum, the ultimate ground of which is the quintessence of immateriality, entirely in line with that insight which one is approaching within especially particle physics and astrophysics. Life, plus the experience of it and the phenomenon consciousness, are presented as timeless realities. That which we call 'death' is nothing other than an expression for the fact that life temporarily continues in another dimension. We are all immortal fragments of that living totality we call Cosmos.


Martinus – Martinus Cosmology

Martinus Thomsen (1890-1981) was born in a typical Danish village, Sindal, in the north of Jutland, and grew up there in modest circumstances, during which his education in the usual country school was made up of nothing more than a few hours weekly. He later worked as a dairyman, and was as he later described himself 'an altogether unread person' when the bell of truth tolled for him.
In the spring of 1921, after having read a book on the practice of meditation, he felt inspired to try it for himself. Associated with this he had several unexpected intuitive experiences that opened up a new area of perception for him. He described that he had reached a different level of awareness, an expanded state of consciousness that he came to call cosmic consciousness. This led to a sweeping transformation which among other things meant that he via his now volitionally-controlled intuition could access a cosmic and all-immanent store of information and knowledge or, as Martinus himself referred to it, an 'ocean of wisdom'.
Martinus was also exceptionally gifted, and now with this penetrating intuition, was able to devote the following sixty years to formulate an altogether new world-picture using text and symbols, the status and ambit of which can be claimed to be 'cosmological', meaning 'everywhere applicable'.
It is now known as Martinus Cosmology (see below) and describes a boundless totality in time and space, or Cosmos, as a living sentient All-being. His work includes extensive logical, coherent analyses and descriptions of those fundamental first principles which govern life and existence.
It has to be added that Martinus was a very warm, generous and earnest person, empathetic, considerate, cheerful and with a delightful sense of humour. (More Photos, Martinus - Click here) (Video biography and introduction "Martinus: The Man and his Cosmology").

Per Bruus-Jensen (former trainee and collaborator with Martinus, presented below under 'Martinus and Per Bruus-Jensen - the Cosmic World-Picture) recounts the background of the term 'Martinus Cosmology':

"Martinus had notably given me the task to create a correspondence course that systematically described the Cosmic World Picture he conveyed. This particular course is also the basis for my main work in four volumes: "X"- A Complete Introduction to Martinus Cosmology; The X-Work. It was in 1959 at the launch of my correspondence course that we - not least Martinus himself - realized that the term 'Spiritual Science' (which Martinus had used up to that point) might seem provocative, strange and frightening to many people. As an alternative I therefore suggested the term 'Martinus Cosmology' - as 'Cosmology' means 'the doctrine of the Cosmos; the ordered universe/multiverse' - and thereby this term fits perfectly into the World View Martinus presents that precisely represents such a description ... Martinus instantly took to the name and decided at the same time that the Institute at Mariendalsvej (in Copenhagen) would immediately change its name from 'Martinus Spiritual Institute' to just 'Martinus Institute'. Furthermore, he emphasized that the Institute's newsletter would be resurrected as a magazine called KOSMOS."


When it comes to intuition, it should be noted that many scientists and thinkers often refer to it as a significant and decisive factor in their work – and now to the extent, even, of its being more or less crucial for breaking new ground. It can be added in this connection that a standard question to Nobel prize laureates in the TV programme 'The Speculations of Geniuses' is each and every year about the importance of intuition. The energy of intuition was all-decisive for Martinus in the creation of his work and what he terms 'spiritual science' which he introduces and espouses in his cosmology is wholly based on intuition. The concept 'spiritual' refers here to qualitative, non-physical energies and energy frequencies in existence, of these the intuition-energy is the most penetrating and sublime (extensively described in the Cosmic Worldview).



From Movement within Matter – To Manifestations of Life

Today's science is in principle obliged to observe and intelligently analyse movement within matter. Martinus stresses that scientists of the future will have a burgeoning intuition at their disposal. These researchers will become capable of seeing and understanding that in a living Cosmos actually this movement within matter is an expression of life and the consciousness of its living beings with their unceasing will to create and experience the myriad different possibilities of existence. Martinus thus points to motion as being the most distinctive feature of life - movement is life in demonstration.
It should be emphasized that Martinus encourages us not to blindly believe anything he has imparted but, on the contrary, make our own explorations of life and nature to verify his teachings.


Cosmic Science

Martinus acknowledged his support of the expression 'the meeting between science and spirituality', and emphasized that natural science (and other traditional sciences) and the spiritual science – especially the one based on intuition which he himself was instrumental in founding – would sooner or later unite and become one science; an all-comprehensive new Cosmic Science. In addition he also unreservedly emphasized the value of natural science, and 'how important and indispensible'* it is for mankind's evolution by 'developing our ability to fuse with a higher state of consciousness'. **


*) The Book of Life, (Livets Bog) vol. 1, pce. 136; **) The Book of Life, (Livets Bog) vol. 1, pce. 230.

The following quotations from Martinus' main works, The Book of Life, and The Eternal World-Picture express this clearly:

Since science represents the initial incipient understanding of the cosmos and existence, it constitutes the periphery of the cosmic- or psycho-spiritual world. It is the early emergence of cosmic consciousness. It is the fresh tangy marine air in the proximity of the ocean. Modern science will become incontestable evidence for the fact that terrestrial humankind is being highly intellectualized. Remove science from Man's consciousness and the remainder in it is merely a primitive animal consciousness which could respond to only crude stimuli.
(The Book of Life, vol. 1, pce. 180)

The purely materialistic world-picture can therefore only put forward a picture of an ocean of highly heterogeneous types of movements, without the same science realizing that they are the expressions of the life or consciousness which exist behind them. Yet this science is nonetheless absolutely essential for mankind, and will gradually become clarified and conjoin with the cosmic science of spirit. Thus these two sciences will progressively become the one science that will be the absolute truth and, as such, constitute conclusive solution to the mystery of life; inasmuch as materialistic science should naturally be seen as the introduction to this solution or revelation at the level of materiality or in the area of the purely physical.
(The Eternal World-Picture, vol. 1, page 84)

Also added are a few words from one of our time's most distinguished scientists:

The cosmic religious feeling is the strongest and noblest motive that should drive scientific research.
Albert Einstein (informally quoted)

The Two 'Aspects' of Existence

One can with simplification illustrate the prevailing situation within natural science by referring to a book: One is familiar with its physical/material aspect; one has heaps of physical data such as measurements, mass, paper quality, the number of pages, the different fonts of the letters, their sizes, the format and the like.
In other words, one has amassed much detailed and valuable information about the physical/material aspect of the 'book', and the research of this aspect has by now reached the stage where one is beginning to suspect that all the 'written characters' in the 'book' may actually have significance and content. If this is indeed so, one is logically beginning to conclude that a sentient and creating consciousness could exist behind it all.
With the pure physical/material as departure point, then, one approaches the paraphysical and psycho-spiritual, immaterial content which is invisible to physical vision. Of course, one is unable with the prevailing scientific instruments and research facilities to explore this immaterial content but, according to Martinus, this is indeed possible via the cosmic science and the intuitive cognitive method. With the help of these advantages one is empowered to both read the text and understand the content, and one can therefore refer to this ability as having become a 'cosmic semiotician' i.e. as one who is capable of 'semiotics' at the cosmic level.

Martinus and
Per Bruus-Jensen
– the Cosmic

In the summer of 1957, the then 25-year old Per Bruus-Jensen (1932-) came into contact with Martinus, and this was the beginning of a two decade-long close alliance and teamwork between them. At Martinus' initiative, their collaboration during the first ten years was characterized by intensive tuition, using the practice of questions and answers between pupil and master. These discussions were often strenuous for both parties:
For Martinus, with access to his intuitive, and for him self-evident, knowledge, it was at times difficult to accept that something remained opaque and unclear.
For especially this reason, though, it could be equally difficult for Per Bruus-Jensen (PBJ), with his insistence for systematization and 'technical' precision, to explicate for Martinus wherein the opaqueness de facto consisted so that he could address the problem. The moment this succeeded, however, the answer and solution were nearly always immediately forthcoming.
Please see "Archive & History" for more information about Martinus´ 11 years of daily tuition of PBJ and the mission that Martinus assigned to PBJ, namely to specify, systematize and codify the intuitive knowledge that Martinus conveyed, which would also equip him for his later work; pursuing the creation of connections between this Cosmology and Natural science; i.e. between Spirituality and Science.


Martinus had inter alia the following to say about PBJ and his work:

He plays a most significant role in my mission and the seminal future of our shared cause. He is absolutely the one who stands tallest when it comes to understanding my cosmic analyses. In all the analyses I have created to date he has been able to follow me, and he has also himself begun to have intuitive experiences. It has become Per's task to systematize the material, because this I am not particularly adept at doing.

Martinus' teaching and his discussions with PBJ dealt at times with topics and areas which Martinus had not himself put forward in his own books, but which now for the major part is to be found in PBJ's literature.
Subsequent to his years with Martinus, PBJ has, using an interdisciplinary approach on a broad front, spent much of his life in bridging the divide which, though narrowing, still exists between Martinus Cosmology and natural science. And the outcome is remarkable. With Martinus' world-picture as basis, PBJ's literary production presents a description of reality as it de facto exists, and which accordingly will lead to a significant paradigm shift:

  • a shift away from a materialistic mechanistic world-picture where life is reduced to nothing more than the tiniest of outcrop or side-effect of haphazard forces and chance combinations of matter. Life is viewed here as a thin, accidental sliver sandwiched – even also on just this one planet – between the boundless immensity of both microcosm and macrocosm, thereby relegating all the infinite remainder of the cosmos to nothing more than, at best, some starry entertainment on a cloudless night;
  • to a new cosmic world-picture in which all of this microcosm and macrocosm become one singularity, become a living habitat or the one and only living All-being who throughout its infinite and eternal reaches is that 'Something' in which a boundless multitude of living beings live, move and have their existence. All of them subject to this Totality-being's ubiquitous and suffusing consciousness which directs and regulates them via the creative activity we call evolution. Yet a cosmos which, despite the existence of all the above-mentioned features, rests upon a foundation which is the quintessence of immateriality, a fact which the many conclusions within particle physics and astrophysics are supporting to an ever-widening extent.

Thus the Cosmic Worldview demonstrates how existence, its evolution and all forms of life in it are interrelated with a purpose which is both profound and reliable. And a purpose, moreover, which has been steeped in logical substantiation. As has its claim that the fundamental note in the eternal cosmos is an integrated harmony of intelligence, wisdom and love. With the cosmic paradigm as key, logical and consistent answers to all the basic existential questions can be unlocked and the mysteries solved. Life and the experience of it, for which an essential consciousness is needed, are revealed to be three of the timeless characteristics of reality, in such a way that concepts like immortality and reincarnation become natural and logical outcomes of the way this reality is arranged. That which we call 'death' is actually little more than a portal through which the same life can temporarily continue, but in a paraphysical dimension, after which we once again return via birth to the physical world and dimension. In other words, the cosmic worldview generates hope for the future. To repeat: we are all immortal fragments of an infinite totality – a fact which many mystics have insisted on through the ages and today more people begin to have a glimpse of this through their own so-called 'experiences of oneness'. It is also emphasized that much of the knowledge which we now are approaching within natural science (especially within physics), as well as the more insightful understanding of reality which flows from it, are in many instances the occasion of existential conclusions which are entirely in line with the cosmic paradigm, and as it in different ways have been expressed by several of our time's greatest scientists and theorists such as Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, John Wheeler, David Bohm and others. (More Photos, Per Bruus-Jensen - Click here)

As a man who has devoted his entire life to the 'hardest' of sciences, namely the exploration of matter, I can upon the basis of a study of the atom declare that matter as such does not exist! All matter is created by a force which makes the atomic particles vibrate and cluster in these miniature solar systems … And behind this force we must assume the existence of consciousness and intelligent design. And it is this design which is all matter's true origin.
Max Planck

The Two Branches

It is evident that Martinus Cosmology has bifurcated into two main 'branches', each of which addresses itself to people's diverse needs and preferences.

In the twilight of his life Martinus gathered his own entire production: The Book of Life, vol. I-VII; The Eternal World-Picture, vol. I-IV; a long line of complementary books; articles and other writings, and grouped them under the collective name, The Third Testament. At first glance this work appears to aim mainly at religious devotees who seek logical explanations of the scriptures and illumination of their content of religious myths and messages. At the same time it clarifies evident misunderstandings and misinterpretations. In other words, this branch of Martinus Cosmology is instrumental in bringing about an intellectualization of the content in religions, using Christianity as its point of departure. It was natural for Martinus to relate his cosmic knowledge to mainly Christianity, since this cultural tradition played the decisive role as the all-dominating element in his background as child during the 1890s and earily 1900s. This branch has its major focus on explaining and building bridges to religion, mainly represented by The Martinus Institute in Copenhagen, which is ensuring and providing Martinus´ extensive production.

The other branch focuses on the Ontology of The Cosmic Worldview and New Science and has a more scientific bent and character, which its definitions and rigorous analyzes of the fundamental principles and structures in the cosmic worldview denote. Martinus himself laid the foundation for this 'branch', and added further weight to it by personally tutoring Per Bruus-Jensen, whose ongoing and increasingly influential work is building bridges to natural science. In brief, the direct aim of this branch of Martinus Cosmology is to accommodate natural science, and thereby to contribute to the development of an all-inclusive Cosmic Science with a concomitant totality vision. Thus this branch is especially relevant for the rational truth-seekers, such as the modern humanist and scientifically-oriented person. Per Bruus-Jensen and New Cosmic Paradigm with Advanced Institute of Ontological Principles and New Science (NCP X-AIONS) represent this branch. The background to and aim of NCP X-AIONS is to continue implementing PBJ's work, systematizing and presenting the Ontology of the Cosmic Worldview. A work and project in close cooperation with PBJ, made possible by his extensive teaching that, for many years, he imparted to the founders of NCP X-AIONS. You will find more information at NCP X-AIONS in Brief.


In Martinus' own literature one now and then finds what seems to be slightly dissimilar viewpoints and perspectives. In addition, there are disparate interpretations of his cosmology; in other words, the two branches fork into further branches. We wish to emphasize that NCP X-AIONS operates altogether independently and, as a consequence, adopts a stand and an attitude which match such a profile.

It should be added that many are inspired by both branches. They complement each other, and help us in our development from ignorance and surmise to knowledge and insight - and thus also from egoism to altruism.


In 1972 Martinus planted a commemoration oak at his childhood home in Sindal, and it stands as a beautiful and striking illustration of the two sides of the cosmic science. The oak's trunk soon divides into two branches which can be viewed as a symbolic confirmation that the two aspects of Martinus Cosmology find expression in two main directions as answer to, and accomodation of, peoples' different needs and preferences. But it is to be stressed that the branches emanate from the same trunk, and the nourishment is received by them from the same roots. And the lofty branches grow together into a beautiful crown and there form a unity. In other words, the division of the cosmic world-picture into two 'branches' is only temporary, and symbolizes two paths which are sure to lead to the same oneness, to the same knowledge and awareness of life's grandeur and innermost kernel – to a Greater Reality ...


The Cosmic World-Picture – Natural Science – Religion

The cosmic paradigm will naturally and cognitively result in a new feeling of responsibility to our planet that has not formerly been seen. There will be a new realization of the way our short term aims based on quick gains ('business as usual') have set our world on a dangerous trajectory.
The cosmic worldview will liberate natural science from its bleak materialism and atheism. This new cosmic oriented natural science will, via its technological 'spin offs' and through a profound understanding of reality lead our emotional lives into positive and constructive avenues so that we will be freed from the dangers now threatening all life on Earth.
This new awareness will also move humanity beyond the dogma and surmise of religion to an unbiased view of the whole religious side of life. The 'scientification' also of this aspect of existence confirms that the two 'cultures' of the cosmic worldview are two sides of the same coin: the Cosmic Paradigm.

One cannot solve problems with the same thinking that caused them.
Albert Einstein (informally quoted)


To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books.
The Secret Teaching of All Ages


The mystical is the most amazing experience we can have. It is the source of all genuine art and science.
Albert Einstein (informally translated)


Man and Reality
– to understand reality as it de facto exists

Much points to the fact that humanity's main problem is principally of an ontological nature, i.e. has its cause in an immature and thereby flawed grasp of what reality de facto is, not least of which is the fundamental natural law that we are all actors who personally to the tiniest details shape both our individual and collective fate and our future. It is upon the basis of this coherence, between the individual's insight – or lack of it – into reality contra his or her creation of fate, that Martinus pronounces that: 'wherever ignorance is eliminated, there the so-called evil ceases to exist'. It must be added that the 'ignorance' to which Martinus refers, includes both intellectual, emotional and moral aspects. Quite simply, our flawed grasp of reality leads us to act in many areas in near total blindness. We may imagine that we understand the interaction between cause and effect, but do so tangibly in only the most narrow of scenarios. But beyond the pure physical areas we are ignorant of the link between consequences and their physically invisible origins. It is in this ignorance we find the causes of war, conflicts, maltreatment, abuse, disease and environmental disturbances, as well as the exploitation of human beings, animals and nature. Plus, finally, the many other negative and destructive effects that are occurring at several different levels as a consequence of the way we act. Once we understand reality as it de facto exists, everything will automatically become very different ...

In other words, the content of the cosmic world-picture assists us in arriving at a more insightful understanding of reality, in the wake of which we will reach a higher level of consciousness, accompanied by behavioural patterns that then will be based upon loftier value norms, i.e. upon an ethic and a morality that lead to true altruism.
The paradigm shift from a materialistic conception of reality where a barren randomness is purported to be master of it all, to the cosmic insight that a boundless totality, with everything in it, is alive, and where this life and its evolution is directed by a consciousness which permeates it all, leads quite naturally to a sweeping and positive transformation of seminal significance for us all: for the individual, society, the milieu and all of our surroundings (nature, health, economy, egalitarian dignity, education, judicial system, etc.). – And here we have already begun to take the first tentative steps, especially through the United Nations and other humanitarian organizations, as well as vide a burgeoning eco-conscientiousness, and our efforts at ratifying the criteria governing equal rights and justice, etc.

A New Age

Once we have insight and understanding of the following:

  • that we are all immortal constituents of a boundless unity;
  • that we ourselves create our fate and future;
  • that all lives are eternal and that what we call 'death' is merely an expression for life temporarily continuing in another dimension;
  • that the true range of the law governing cause and effect, which includes the deeper relationship between thoughts and deeds and their inevitable consequences, etc.

then also our attitude towards life will undergo a profound transformation. And in its wake radical changes of society will follow as a natural consequence. In other words: Concurrently with the enhancement of our understanding about the innermost nature of life and reality, we will together be able to create a new and better world, an existence which increasingly will be characterized by a high-intellectual application of love and logic for all living beings.

We invite you to join us; stride across the threshold to a New Paradigm, towards a Greater Reality …

Life's most distinctive feature is motion and experience.
Boundlessness is that immovability from which all motion can be observed.
Consciousness is the experience of that motion.
To deny that there is 'Something' which experiences is impossible without simultaneously denying one's own existence ...
Martinus (informally quoted)



Universal Knowledge Through Time

- A New Cosmic World-Impulse

It should be added that Martinus Cosmology in representing the Cosmic Worldview, is an evolved and detailed in-depth continuation and 'up-date' of the universal knowledge that through time has been transmitted by 'precursors', mystics and the wise in both East and West, e.g. the Indian wisdom tradition, Sufi masters, Rama, Krishna, Buddha and Jesus amongst others. This knowledge and these messages have been related in a simplified and often metaphorical way through myths and parables adapted so that people would be able to grasp the knowledge through the frame of reference and general level of development of their time.

Evolution is now accelerating enormously and is astounding, for instance think of the progress within science and technology during the past 100 years ... The Cosmic Worldview that Martinus presents in our time has been adapted to our era and the level of development, intelligence and modern natural science that we possess today. This simply represents what Martinus terms a new 'cosmic world-impulse' (evolutionary impulse), adapted to us here and now. Whilst Martinus is the conveyor and precursor, with time there surely will come others. However we have not found a theory that demonstrates and includes such a comprehensive, detailed and logical description of reality. You may find parts and fragments in many theories but the wholeness and level of detail is missing. In this context we wish to refer to the 9 points presented in 'A Concise Synopsis of some fundamentals in The Cosmic Worldview' below which succinctly illustrates the extensive character of the Cosmology.

As mentioned Martinus in this life was an uneducated man therefore he had difficulties connecting his intuitive knowledge to modern science and this became mainly the task of Per Bruus-Jensen. After more than 10 years of Martinus' intensive daily education PBJ has devoted his life to systematizing and developing Martinus' deep and comprehensive intuitive knowledge. He has also built bridges to different areas within the natural sciences. The old wisdom and knowledge tradition has been presented in a new, extensive and detailed way that answers the big issues in modern science and also humanity's need of a new worldview and understanding of reality.


A Concise Synopsis of some of the Fundamentals in

An altogether Novel Concept of Reality cannot be summarized in a few brief sentences. It is emphasized that the paragraphs below must be viewed as a very short summary describing extremely brief just a few of the Cosmic Worldview´s leading, load-bearing themes and fundamentals.


1. Our Eternal Constitution and How we Survive 'Death'. Very briefly, this is made possible by our paraphysical organism /body. According to the Cosmic Worldview all living beings have, in addition to the temporary physical body, an immortal paraphysical body/structure, which the physical body is completely dependent on. We are given an account of how this paraphysical body is constructed and how it operates, e.g., how the so-called 'ability-nucs'/talent cores, among other things, make it possible for us to take qualities, abilities and skills (which are a prerequisite for our development) with us from life to life. It should be pointed out that the ability-nucs are highly relevant in the field of epigenetics as they directly exert an influence on the genes of the DNA-spiral. Also explained is how life continues in a paraphysical sphere of existence after physical death and the course of events which leads to a new incarnation. 'Death is Life´s greatest surprise' - Martinus


2. What Consciousness de facto is and How all Experience of life takes place. The paraphysical structures and their processes are highlighted which, side by side with the activities of the physical brain, constitute the foundation of our ability to experience, to remember, think, feel, etc. - in fact, of all activity in our consciousness. Viewed as organic factors, these paraphysical structures precede the physical body and can accordingly operate independently of it. As such, they contribute to ensuring the process of reincarnation or body-replacement, and thereby the individual's ongoing course of personal evolution. As such, they contribute to ensuring the process of reincarnation or body-replacement, and thereby the individual's ongoing course of personal evolution.


3. What our 'I' and our Soul de facto are, as well as how the central 'power generator', with its output of life force, is constituted and functions, and how it is the driver responsible for all of the human being's mental activity; as such, it also presents a basic explanatory model for the human psychology in its entirety.


4. How we can Influence our Future and our Fate, by highlighting the interaction of so-called free will with the natural laws and regularity prevailing in existence. Intrinsic insight is provided concerning the link between cause and effect, between initiatives and consequences.


5. How we Develop through a Spirally-formed Evolution. Life takes the shape of an eternal rhythmic evolution, a constant renewal and development for absolutely all living beings. This takes place in the form of an expanding cosmic spiral gradually leading towards ever higher forms of life. Every spiral turn includes six fundamentally different planes of existence (corresponding to the Cosmos' six main fields of consciousness) which all living beings in ever new ways wander through. The ongoing result of this spirally-formed evolution is an everlastingly renewed experience of life - an eternal evolution of consciousness.


6. All Living Beings are Immortal Life-Units in an All-Embracing Life-Unity; an infinite Multiverse beyond time and space, a living, conscious Cosmos. 'Nonduality', we are 'all one', (many people of today have so-called 'spontaneous cosmic glimpses' including experiences of oneness), the complementarity of wholeness/oneness and duality/separation, and also 'the Structure of Entanglement' are described ...


7. The X-Structure; the Basic Nature of Life and Reality. Reality fundamentally - both objective and subjective - is immaterial emptiness and stillness. The X-structure constitutes the very basic nature of Life and Reality. This fundamental X-structure is in principle the same for everything including the infinite Cosmos - activating and transforming the emptiness and stillness into energy, force, movement, matter and life-experience/consciousness. The primordial domain of existence 'X0' is an all-embracing unmanifested, virtual world of emptiness and stillness, containing infinite potential of creative possibilities and continuously activating an indivisible, integrated, Triune Operating Principle 'X' with three functional aspects:
X1 - the creating and experiencing Something (the Subject/the I) - emptiness, stillness.
X2 - this Something's creative and experiential ability - energy (qualitative cosmic basic energies).
X3 - the created and experienced, i.e. X3 = the result of the interaction between the subject (X1) and its creative/experiential ability (X2) represented by movement, the material illusion as objective reality (X3 obj.) on one side, and the experience of it as subjective reality/consciousness (X3 subj.) on the other.

(X3 obj.: energy conversion, movement -and- X3 subj.: qualia)

The X-Structure also demonstrates the seven extremely subtle qualitative 'Fundamental/Basic Energies' with specific characteristics. These basic energies build up everything in life and existence - from the most subtle, e.g. our own consciousness, thoughts, feelings, memories etc. to the very densest e.g. physical matter, black holes etc. One of the basic energies, the primary fundamental energy, operates via a number of so-called Cosmic Creative Principles - Morphogenetic Effect Constants; formative principles and form-creating forces that sustain and organize life and reality. We can empirically observe the effects of these morphogenetic effect constants in the laws of nature with their extremely delicate precision etc. Creation (X3) involves conversion of energy and manifests itself as movement - the five universal classes of motion: 1. The Primordial motion (implies a positional motion "from A to B") and the four so-called "derived motions" that we as humans know as: 2. Space, 3. Time, 4. Transformation/change, 5. Matter. Motion is the most distinctive feature of life - movement is life in demonstration. Note that all motions of the Multiverse neutralize each other, confirming the all-embracing X0-nature of emptiness and stillness.

For more information about The X-Structure:

The X-Structure - Abstract (very brief)
Ontology - The X-Structure; the Basic Nature of Life and Reality


8. The nature of Energy and Matter. From physics we know that subatomic particles constitute the tiniest part of matter, and that an apparently omnipresent void (99,999...9%) is dominant throughout, i.e. almost 100% is just emptiness. Physicists speak of it as the vacuum/zero-point field and they have realized that it is actually not empty, but holds unbelievable concentrations of very subtle energy - the so-called vacuum or zero-point energy - without knowing what it is. The Cosmic Worldview describes the mentioned energies as the seven Fundamental Energies (see paragraph 7 above), each holding a specific quality - which is an original and novel concept. These qualitative energies also have different impacts and strengths and they build up Everything in Life and Existence from the very densest physical matter, to the most subtle that exists including our own consciousness and mental life comprising thoughts, feelings, memories, etc. (In the Cosmic Worldview the Fundamental energies are described in detail in the topic termed 'Cosmic Chemistry').
It also describes how the fundamental energies in the zero-point/vacuum field constitute particles and matter, how particles actually are identical to these energies, although in a condensed form. In other words particles are just densified energy. Einstein's famous formula, E = mc² is expanded to X2 = mc², followed by a clarification of the energy concept which is shown to be immaterial at its roots.

9. The Theory of Everything and The Fundamental Energy Theory - FET. Physicists have worked intensively for a long time to understand our physical world. They have also been struggling to unify the four forces of nature: gravity, electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces into what they term 'The Theory of Everything', but so far without success. NCP presents (2012) Leif Pettersson´s groundbreaking and very exciting material demonstrating a new model, 'The Fundamental Energy Theory - FET', that without any contradiction unifies the four fundamental forces of nature, and in fact gives us 'The Theory of Everything'. Hypotheses are presented that may explain the mechanisms behind Einstein's General and Special Theories of Relativity, quantum physics with its hypothetical gravitons, Higgs particles etc. and the enigmatic dark matter, dark energy and a lot more. The Fundamental Energy Theory offers a logical, coherent key to many of the unsolved mysteries of physics, e.g. those being currently studied in the world's biggest research project so far, the particle accelerator in CERN.
Click here for more information about the book
Physics, Martinus Cosmology and The Theory of Everything - The Fundamental Energy Theory - FET (Eng, Sv), 2012.

Click here for a brief supplement to 8-9


For further information reference is made to the 'List of Recommended Reading and Bibliography', and to this website's additional pages (will be erected successively), especially A New Understandning of Reality, The Cosmic Worldview - Introduction and Theory and "Outlook" - Science of Consciousness and Reality where many of the main points of The Cosmic Worldview are accounted for and illustrated.




List of Recommended Reading and Bibliography

We can recommend the pages A New Understandning of Reality, The Cosmic Worldview - Introduction and Theory and "Outlook" - Science of Counsciousness & Reality and the following literature in connection with this section in the presentation - and:

NCP is in the process of writing new material in English illustrating the ontology and epistemology of what Martinus called "The Cosmic Worldview" (- the ontology and epistemology of natural phenomena and the world in general including psychological attributes as dynamical variables in fundamental physical processes).



PER BRUUS-JENSEN´s extensive literary production is available in Danish and partly in Swedish, (Click here to see the books). An English translation is in progress.


AFTER the following book presentations in Swedish (about Per Bruus-Jensen´s books) you will find more information in English!

En resa genom Mayas Slöjor — introduktion till ett Kosmiskt Paradigmskifte (A Journey through the Veils of Maya - An Introduction to a Cosmic Paradigm Shift)
Från en materialistisk verklighetsuppfattning där slumpen styr, till en verklighetsförståelse där världsalltet påvisas som levande, oändligt och evigt. En resa genom det fysiska materiella till det i allt bakomliggande och närvarande immateriella ... (danska; svensk utgåva planeras under 2011) För mer info, klicka här!

I Begyndelsen var Tomheden (In the Beginning there was the Emptiness)
En mer djupgående introduktion presenterande många av huvuddragen i den kosmiska världsbilden (med fokus på det i allt bakomliggande och närvarande immateriella) relaterar på en rad punkter till naturvetenskapen och den forskning som försiggår där ... (danska) För mer info, klicka här!

Sol & Måne (Sun & Moon - Glimpses from 10 years in Tuition with a Modern Mystic and Intuitive Genius)
PBJ berättar om undervisningsåren hos Martinus, samarbetet, vardagslivet samt ger en bred och intressant skildring av Martinus som person. Bilder ur Martinus unika "skissbok" med hans första symbolskisser. (svenska; danska) För mer info, klicka här!

Martinus och det levande världsalltet — introduktion till Martinus och hans Kosmologi (svenska; danska) Digital utgåva - Klicka här!
X" — En komplet indføring i Martinus Kosmologi ("X-verket") ('X'- A Complete Introduction to Martinus Cosmology, 'the X-work' I-IV)
Skapades i samarbete med Martinus personligen, fyra band à ca 450 sidor vardera, rymmer en komplett, systematiserad presentation av den kosmiska världsbilden, detaljbeskrivningar av tillvaron, livet, döden, upplevelsen, medvetandet, evolutionen ... (danska) Klicka här för band 1!

Eksistens og Udødelighed band I-II - om erkendelseslæren i Martinus Kosmologi (Existence and Immortality - on the Epistemology of Martinus Cosmology I-II)
En djupgående och koncentrerad belysning av kunskapsteorin i den kosmiska världsbilden (relativt krävande). (danska) För mer info, klicka här!

Kosmisk Kemi — introduktion till grundenergiernas kemi i teori och praktik (Cosmic Chemistry - An Introduction to the Chemistry of the Fundamental Energies in Theory and Praxis)
Om de subtila energier (bl.a. konstituerande fysikens vakuumenergier) som allt är uppbyggt av — från den massivaste fysiska materia till det mest subtila som existerar inkl. vårt medvetandeliv (tankar, känslor etc.). Einsteins formel E= mc2 utvecklas till X2 = mc2 ; energibegreppet tydliggörs som något i grunden immateriellt. Belyser också människans utveckling och odödlighet. (danska) För mer info, klicka här!

Projket Liv (Project Life)

Naturvetenskapens teorier om att livet spontant uppstått ur materien och att evolutionen är slumpmässig, ställs i kontrast till intuitionsbegåvningen och mystikern Martinus analyser av begreppet LIV. En helt Ny Verklighetsförståelse där evolutionen påvisas som ett avsiktligt och ändamålsenligt evighetsprojekt styrt av ett alltomfattande medvetande. För mer info, klicka här!

Det Kosmiske Gudsbegreb (The Cosmic Concept of God)
Sammanfattar de centrala aspekterna av gudsbegreppet i Martinus kosmologi med kopplingar till religion och vetenskap, samt till den enskilda människans situation i vardagen. (dansk) För mer info
, klicka här!


The Book of Life volumes 1 and 2 (Livets Bog bind 1 og 2)

The Eternal Word Picture, volumes 1-4 (Det Evige Verdensbillede1-4)
(Symbol-book in 4 volumes illustrating the Cosmic Worldview)

MARTINUS´ extensive literature including The Book of Life volumes 1 -7, The Eternal Word Picture, volumes 1-4, etc. is partly available in English and published by the Martinus Institute and can be purchased from the Institute's internet bookshop

(In the UK you can purchase the books from Watkins Books Ltd,. 19 Cecil Court, London WC2N 4EZ.

Leif Pettersson

Physics, Martinus Cosmology and The Theory of Everything - The Fundamental Energy Theory - FET, NCP (2012)


Titles of Related Interest

Alexander, Eben, Proof of Heaven - A Neurosurgeon's Near Death Experience and Journey into the Afterlife, Simon & Schuster (oct. 2012)

Bohm, David, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Routledge (2002)
Davidson, J., The Secret of the Creative Vacuum, Daniel (1994)

Deepak, Chopra (Author, Editor), Kafatos, Menas (Editor), The Time Machine of Consciousness - Quantum Physics of Mind: Time Travel, Cosmology, Relativity, Neuroscience, Cosmology Science Publisher (2014)

(Fenwick, Peter & Elizabeth, Att Möta Döden med Tillit och Hopp - Forskning i Medvetandets Gränsland NCP X-AIONS (2013))
Fenwick, Peter & Elizabeth, Past Lives: An Investigation into Reincarnation Memories, Berkley (2001)

Fenwick, Peter & Elizabeth, The Art of Dying, Continuum (2008)

Fenwick, Peter & Elizabeth, The Truth in the Light: An Investigation of over 300 Near-death Experiences, Berkley Trade (1997)
Goswami, Amit, The Self–Aware Universe, Jeremy P. Tarcher (1995)

Kafatos, Menas & Nadeau, Robert, The Conscious Universe: Part and Whole in Modern PhysicalTheory, Springer Verlag (1990)

Kafatos, Menas & Nadeau, Robert, The Non-Local Universe: The New Physics and Matters of the Mind, Oxford University Press (1999)
Laszlo, Ervin, Science and the Akashic Field, Inner Traditions International (2004)
Laszlo, Ervin, Science and the Reenchantmant of the Cosmos, Inner Traditions International (2006)
Laszlo, Ervin, Quantum Shift in the Global Brain, Inner Traditions International (2008)

Leininger, Bruce & Andrea, Soul Survivor, Hay House (2009)

Lipton, Bruce H., The Biology of Belief - Unleasing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles, Hay House (2005)

Lommel, Pim van, Consciousness Beyond Life - The Science of Near-Death Experience, HarperOne (2010)

McTaggart, Lynne, The Field - The quest for the secret force of the universe, Harper (2008)

McTaggart, Lynne, The Bond - Connecting through the space between us, Hay House (2011)

McTaggart, Lynne, The Intention Experiment - Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World, Scribner (2008)

Moreira-Almeida, Alexander & Santos, Franklin Santana (Editors) Exploring Frontiers of the Mind-Brain Relationship, Springer (2012)

Penrose, Roger, Cycles of Time: An Extraordinary New View of the Universe, The Bodley Head (2010)

Penrose Roger, Hameroff Stuart, Stapp Henry P., Chopra Deepak, Consiousness and the Universe: Quantum Physics, Evolution, Brain & Mind,Cosmology Science Publishers (2011)

(Pilgaard Petersen, Nikolaj, Enten-Eller – Både-Og? Hvad är verden? En afsøgning af argumenter, Siesta (2010))

Radin, Dean, Entangled Minds - Entangled Minds - Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality, Simon & Schuster (2006).
Radin, Dean, Supernormal - Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities,Random House (2013)
Radin, Dean, The Conscious Universe - The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena, HarperOne (1997, 2009)

(Riel, Alex, Bevidsthedens Evolution, (2014))

(Riel, Alex, Mystik & Videnskab, (2009) – se Bokpresentationer och webbshop)

Schäfer, Lothar, Infinite Potential - What Quantum Physics Reveals About How We Should Live, Deepak Chopra Books (2013)

Schäfer, Lothar, In Search of Divine Reality, The University of Arkansas Press (1997)

Schäfer, Lothar, Versteckte Wirklichkeit - Wie uns die Quantenphysik zur Transzendenz führt, S.

Hirzel Verlag (2004)
Schwartz, Gary E. & Simon, William L., The Afterlife Experiments, Atria Books (2003)

Sheldrake, Rupert, Morphic Resonance - The Nature of Formative Causation, Park Street Press (2009)

Sheldrake, Rupert, Science Set Free, Crown Publishing (2013)

Sheldrake, Rupert, The Science Delusion - Feeling the Spirit of Enquiry, Coronet Book (2012)

Smolin, Lee, Trouble with Physics, Mariner Books (2007)
Smolin, Lee, Three Roads to Quantum Gravity, The Perseus Books Group (2002)
Steinhardt, Paul J. & Turok, Neil, Endless Universe, Orion Publishing Co (2008)

Taylor, Steve, Out of the Darkness, Hay House (2011)
Weiss, Brian L., Many Lives, Many Masters, Piatkus Books (1994)



Science and Nonduality - SAND

Haramein, Nassim, The Resonance Project

IONS - Institute of Noetic Sciences

Center for Noetisk Livsfilosofi (Alex Riel, DK)

Carol Bowman Past Life Regression Therapy, Reincarnation Research, Children's Past Life Memories

Jim B. Tucker Reincarnation and Past Life Research

The AWARE Study, Human Consciousness Project

CS Center for Consciousness Studies, The University of Arizona

Erwin, Laszlo, Welcome to New Thinking Worldshift Science & Spirituality

IANDS - International Association for Near-Death Studies

Afterlife Evidence, Victor Zammit on the Scientific Proof for Life after Death

PEAR - Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research

SSE - Society for Scientific Exploration

Thomas Campbell "My Big TOE"

Eben Alexander - Life Beyond Death - Proof of Heaven - A Neurosurgeon's Near Death Experience and Journey into the Afterlife

Brian Josephson, University of Cambridge

The Intention Experiment - "The Largets Mind over Matter Experiment ...."

Pim van Lommel "Consciousness Beyond Life"

Dean Radin "Evidence for PSI"

Lothar Schäfer

Pilotti Science & Art Home Page of Dr J Pilotti

A.K. Mukhopadhyay on Consiousness,

The Secret Life of Chaos - Jameel Sadik "Jim" Al-Khalili, (documentary)

The Windbridge Institute

Larry Dossey

Rupert Sheldrake


All images from space on this site are taken from